Food shortages - coming soon to a country that is deporting its immigrant workers?
When I wrote about food shortages back in the spring, I was definitely not thinking about Der Drumpfer causing one.
But if he carries out the mass deportations he has promised, or if there is mass self-deportation, that is what will happen. There will be nobody available to harvest the crops or to tend them throughout the year. And if he starts trade wars or otherwise pisses off food producing countries, there will be less food coming in. And one thing is for sure, food will become more expensive.
John McCain famously once said that Americans wouldn't or couldn't pick lettuce for $50 an hour. Well, nobody is going to be offering anything like that amount, though if there is a labour shortage wages will have to rise and therefore prices - unless workers are drafted.
Fortunately, this is the time of year when next year's crops are planned and this year's seeds are available, so it is a good time to plan your own garden or, if you do not have one, to at least buy plenty of seeds for microgreens. These may not be very filling but are full of nutrients.
There may also be a shortage of the tools needed for gardening too, so order your greenhouses and raised beds, or gather the materials to construct your own.
Don't forget to support small farmers. They may be able to eat better than most during times of trouble, but if they cannot get workers, their livelihoods will suffer.
So, check out my earlier article for ideas.
And while you are at it, think about what other goods and services immigrants are providing for you (and please let me know in the comments). Maybe they are your friends after all, and should be protected.
And if you aren't in the USA, think about what goods and services you get from the USA.
I can't believe I am writing this stuff. I sound like a prepper! But here we are.
Probably it will not be so bad. The mass deportation plans are impractical and big ag and other industries will stop Der Drumpfer from carrying out his plans. But there will probably be some disruption, if only from self-deportation by immigrants scared for their families - which will suit Republicans just fine.
And remember, gardening can be a great reliever of stress.
Great Job here this morning ☕ Sue. You've laid out how incredibly stupid and reckless this next administration is going to be. Thank You for this most difficult reporting and will reStack ASAP
What a brilliant and accurate look at the type of things that will hit the everyday working people and the very MAGAs who weren’t smart enough to figure out what trump is. This article hits an incredibly important point. And on top of this, if tariffs are put in place the way trump says, those costs WILL be passed along to the consumer. The corporate world does not take money away from their CEOs, they take it from the public…mostly middle class & poor. And the US middle class has been disappearing in large numbers to lower middle class and poor.
In addition, think of the international community who will not want to work with the best friend Israel ever had. Scary times ahead.