'S No Snow
What a difference a couple of days make. Yesterday the sun shone, and the snow fell off the trees, though there was still plenty on the ground.
Today, it is wet and windy thanks to storm Bert and the snow has completely gone. It must have been heavy, as a lot of new growth in the garden - mostly the brambles - looks a lot flatter today. The ash tree that has been looming over next door's home and my garden has shed its leaves, fortunately. Its bare branches are thrashing like the Whomping Willow. It has done very well to survive ash dieback, but has such a list that I've heard it is to be coppiced. This will allow a lot more light onto my garden and me.
We have a saying in the UK - and in many other countries - that if you don't like the weather, wait an hour and it will change.
There is also a saying that a week is a long time in politics.
It certainly has been here in the UK. It did not take long for it to be evident that Labour's economic policies and language were not the change from that of the Tories that we'd hoped for. Then this was confirmed by action - cutting winter fuel payments to poor pensioners.
In the USA, election week marked the beginning of a profound change - possibly from democracy to dictatorship. But there is still the chance that things may change again faster than you might think.
Trump may spread a lot of fear, but he also leaves behind a lot of bruised egos and people who feel betrayed - whether by promises not kept or debts not paid or being lied to. He may find resistance among those who are around him for what they can get out of it, rather than because they have bought into the cult. And some may decide to retire at their next election and will be more likely to resist his worst acts.
There is a saying, "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself." Perhaps now is not the time for direct attacks.
But on the other hand, in martial arts they say to use an opponent's momentum and leverage against them. And divide and conquer is an often-successful strategy. All it took to take out Matt Gaetz was his own peccadillos, a few leaks, some investigation and a word in his ear that more was going to come out. The cabinet picks and potential cabinet picks seem to have a lot of skeletons in their cupboards. And they are dividing themselves, for example with Marjorie Taylor Greene threatening to tell tales on her colleagues. It'll be interesting to see how she gets on with Musk, if things get that far.
Trump and Musk seem highly likely to have a bust-up. That would be one billionaire supporter gone. And if they don't, then other people around Trump are likely to either leave or to obstruct as Musk is apparently rubbing them up the wrong way (or pushing them aside from their ambitions).
Some of Trump's policies will be detrimental to his backers - for example mass deportations would harm big ag, meatpackers and construction. Insurers may not be happy with a climate denial stance. So there will be division in the ranks.
Trump's pal Putin is a big factor. He could start WWIII. If so, would the American military be willing to support his side, or would they refuse? Would Trump get the usual boost from being a war president, or would there be far more massive protests than he could stop? Alternatively, Putin could lose, die or be deposed. How would Trump and all the others he has supported manage without him?
Would Saudi Arabia be as keen to support Trump without Kushner on the inside, and how will those on the inside deal with Kusher being an unofficial adviser? How bad would it be for security?
Trump could become too ill to continue or die. Would Republicans rally around his anointed successor, or would they start fighting among themselves? Unlikely as it seems now, the balance of the Supreme Court could change.
Climate change and/or war could cause a migration too big for Trump to stem. And meanwhile there will be a brain drain of those leaving Trump's America.
So basically, there's no telling what will happen - probably something I have not imagined.
With Project 2025, Republicans were ready for the possibility they could win, by hook or by crook. The worst thing democrats could do would be to assume that nothing can change, and that America will become and remain a dictatorship. Dictators can be overthrown. So, while building up and planning for resistance, plan for getting power back too. The nearly 2 years to the midterms are a lot longer than a week.
Well thought out article this evening Sue, and your right about trump, and his plans to destroy America. His whole ideology has been one of Hate,Revenge and Retaliation, aimed at his so called Enemies. I don't know what will happen next year, but be sure, I like most of the American people, will Fight against him and everything he stands for. Thank You for your insight and will reStack ASAP 🙏🇺🇲💯👍
I was wondering what you thought about there being a possible hack in the election. Did you read Mr. Spoonamore’s “duty-to-warn letter” to VP Harris , imploring her of requesting a recount in the swing states, or at least MI, WI, AZ & NC?
Mr. Spoonamore’s was responsible for helping to expose the Ohio fraudulent election a few decades ago.