So regarding being better today...I say pre-Reagan policies, life was less stressful for the vast middle class. Today we have good technologies and nice homes but less time to enjoy it.

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It seems more stressful now to me, too. Annoying when I am now old enough to retire.

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Same here, close to retirement but high annual property taxes $12k expensive car insurance, potentially frightening medical bills, monthly fees utilities, for apps, music etc and keeping up with technology is exhausting!

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I really feel for Americans with their parasitical health insurance system. And I'm furious with the Tories for dragging the NHS in the same direction.

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Wow Sue Nethercott! So much information packed into this very good article! Another issue in the US, religious privileging and intrusion of religion into our public and government. The very thing our founders separated out from governing.

The beginning of the big buy out. And although most people were unaware the rot started around WWI and went to warp speed after WWII. The destruction & treatment of people in other countries where we wanted the resources. Their demise there led to a migration here.

And then we had a string of right wing policies devoid of care for everyday people. Add in media buy out & we end up with today.

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Jan 19·edited Mar 5Author


From what I understand, the mixing of religion and politics in America went on steroids when George W. Bush courted the evangelicals, to the detriment of politics and the religious. Instead of being peace-loving folks like Jesus who said "give unto Caesar what is Ceasar's", they now advocate violence and insurrection, encouraged by Trump. Currently Mike Johnson is doing Trump's work. The founders who prevailed were mostly Deists rather than Christians who said that America was not a Christian nation, but as with the American Civil War, there is still a rearguard action. The pope has begun to act against the worst culprits.

But it is not just about some who call themselves Christians. Here in the UK, our Prime Minister is Hindu and oversees equally nasty policies. It is the power class, who have used religion for centuries (think Henry VIII) we are fighting against.

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We have seen devine right and religious used to justify control & hoarding by “royalty” but we have that equivalent in the US. We don’t call it royalty but it is.

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