I was SHOCKED and ASHAMED at how our ALLY was treated at the White House Friday. No lunch was offered. His attire criticized. REALLY?!!
President Zelensky should be chastising Trump! In 1994, the “Budapest Memorandum” was created and agreed to by the United States, the UK, N. Ireland & Russia. In exchange for Ukraine giving their huge stockpile of nuclear warheads, Russia agreed to recognize & respect Ukraine as a sovereign country promising NOT to take any of its territory. The U.S., UK & N. Ireland agreed to help defend and come to Ukraine’s aide if their country was invaded.
We Are COMMITTED To Aiding & Defending Ukraine! If we don’t who will ever trust our word again? And maybe Russia should return the nuclear warheads.
The United States has not held up their side of the bargain.
So YOUR husband needs to APOLOGIZE to President Zelensky. JD Vance is not well liked. Maybe if he reminded Trump about the agreement, defended Ukraine and TOOK UKRAINE’s side, our DEMOCRATIC ALLY, instead of our ENEMY, DICTATOR Putin, maybe they would think more favorably. If not, he WILL be voted out of office. Please talk to him, won’t you?
Also, Trump only won the election because the Republicans purged over 5 million LEGAL votes. The people wanted Harris, NOT Trump. Trump lied to the American people.
Remember your husband once said Trump was “America’s Hitler.” Well with all the haphazard cuts made, NO fraud, very little savings, firing 4 star generals, firing inspector generals who investigate corruption, having to call back people, he is acting like Hitler. it’s like an animal house.
Do you feel safe knowing we are no longer arresting diseases in other countries so they won’t come to our country? Like the current hemorrhagic fever QUICKLY KILLING many in the Congo. The Ebola virus. HIV. The list is long.
Trump wants to give a $4.5 million tax cut to his rich friends WHO DON’T NEED THE MONEY! He wants to slash Medicaid. That won’t make a dent but will hurt the elderly, the disabled, the poor. What’s going to happen to the elderly? You going to throw them out in the street? The American people didn’t vote for this.
Your husband should be more compassionate as he was dirt poor. Trump could do so much good. Instead he is alienating our friends, our allies. Who will come to our aide if we were attacked?
Please start with the aide to Ukraine. Help them win the war. Put boots on the ground and get it over with. Get UK & Ireland to help.
You see how good , honest & hardworking Pres. Zelensky is. He is our friend. He has SUFFERED DEATH & DESTRUCTION. Trump and your husband came off as BULLIIES. I was ASHAMED and so was America.
Well said Sue! I agree. They are outrageous, dangerous and shamelessly un-American. SCOTUS has unleashed a monster; a POTUS with absolute immunity who thinks he’s above the law.
I believe it was painful for many in Our Country to wittiness the disrespectful behavior of the individuals that comprise the leadership of a once actually political party that is now in league with one of Our Country’s adversaries?
Orange seditionist crimes are punishable by the death penalty. He should get that! The reason we are here today is that this country has failed to uphold the law and the Constitution! I don’t care how the hell they are removed, they must be REMOVED. And preferably by force!
I'm against the death penalty. He should rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life, with no privileges - preferably in Gitmo.
But he is at the head of a pyramid of traitors to America, democracy and decency. They should all be exiled to Russia, and all their wealth confiscated.
I wrote this letter to Usha Vance, JD’s wife.
Dear Madam Vance,
I was SHOCKED and ASHAMED at how our ALLY was treated at the White House Friday. No lunch was offered. His attire criticized. REALLY?!!
President Zelensky should be chastising Trump! In 1994, the “Budapest Memorandum” was created and agreed to by the United States, the UK, N. Ireland & Russia. In exchange for Ukraine giving their huge stockpile of nuclear warheads, Russia agreed to recognize & respect Ukraine as a sovereign country promising NOT to take any of its territory. The U.S., UK & N. Ireland agreed to help defend and come to Ukraine’s aide if their country was invaded.
We Are COMMITTED To Aiding & Defending Ukraine! If we don’t who will ever trust our word again? And maybe Russia should return the nuclear warheads.
The United States has not held up their side of the bargain.
So YOUR husband needs to APOLOGIZE to President Zelensky. JD Vance is not well liked. Maybe if he reminded Trump about the agreement, defended Ukraine and TOOK UKRAINE’s side, our DEMOCRATIC ALLY, instead of our ENEMY, DICTATOR Putin, maybe they would think more favorably. If not, he WILL be voted out of office. Please talk to him, won’t you?
Also, Trump only won the election because the Republicans purged over 5 million LEGAL votes. The people wanted Harris, NOT Trump. Trump lied to the American people.
Remember your husband once said Trump was “America’s Hitler.” Well with all the haphazard cuts made, NO fraud, very little savings, firing 4 star generals, firing inspector generals who investigate corruption, having to call back people, he is acting like Hitler. it’s like an animal house.
Do you feel safe knowing we are no longer arresting diseases in other countries so they won’t come to our country? Like the current hemorrhagic fever QUICKLY KILLING many in the Congo. The Ebola virus. HIV. The list is long.
Trump wants to give a $4.5 million tax cut to his rich friends WHO DON’T NEED THE MONEY! He wants to slash Medicaid. That won’t make a dent but will hurt the elderly, the disabled, the poor. What’s going to happen to the elderly? You going to throw them out in the street? The American people didn’t vote for this.
Your husband should be more compassionate as he was dirt poor. Trump could do so much good. Instead he is alienating our friends, our allies. Who will come to our aide if we were attacked?
Please start with the aide to Ukraine. Help them win the war. Put boots on the ground and get it over with. Get UK & Ireland to help.
You see how good , honest & hardworking Pres. Zelensky is. He is our friend. He has SUFFERED DEATH & DESTRUCTION. Trump and your husband came off as BULLIIES. I was ASHAMED and so was America.
Thank you.
Well said Sue! I agree. They are outrageous, dangerous and shamelessly un-American. SCOTUS has unleashed a monster; a POTUS with absolute immunity who thinks he’s above the law.
I believe it was painful for many in Our Country to wittiness the disrespectful behavior of the individuals that comprise the leadership of a once actually political party that is now in league with one of Our Country’s adversaries?
I didn't get anywhere with my plans to work on my next article, yesterday. Can't imagine why! lol
I'll get to work on it today, hopefully.
42 may be the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything.
But 47 is the answer to all disruption of progress in the world today.
Orange seditionist crimes are punishable by the death penalty. He should get that! The reason we are here today is that this country has failed to uphold the law and the Constitution! I don’t care how the hell they are removed, they must be REMOVED. And preferably by force!
I'm against the death penalty. He should rot in jail for the rest of his miserable life, with no privileges - preferably in Gitmo.
But he is at the head of a pyramid of traitors to America, democracy and decency. They should all be exiled to Russia, and all their wealth confiscated.